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Relish the crunchy and tangy play of flavors with Nutti's Almond Cranberry Crisp. A sublime blend that promises an unparalleled snacking journey.


NUTTI 嘅曼月蔓越莓杏仁脆片將杏仁嘅香濃味同蔓越莓嘅酸甜完美結合。每一啖咬落去都係口感爽脆,味道嘅對比又係咁之惹味,令人欲罷不能!

Almond Cranberry Crisps 蔓越莓杏仁脆片

  • Dive deep into a world where tangy cranberries embrace the crunchy goodness of almonds. Nutti's Cranberry Almond Crisp is a symphony of flavors that resonates with Taiwanese artisanship.

    • Berry Goodness: Sun-dried cranberries offer a refreshing tang in every bite.
    • Nourishing Bite: Packed with the energy of almonds and the benefits of cranberries.
    • Anytime Snack: Great for munching on-the-go or as a mid-day treat.
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